
yume no tsuzuki
oikakete ita hazu na no ni
magarikunetta hosoi michi
hito ni tsumazuku
ano koro mitai ni tte
modoritai wake ja nai no
nakushite kita sora o
wakatte kuremasu you ni
gisei ni natta you na
kanashii kao wa yamete yo
tsumi no saigo wa namida ja nai yo
zutto kurushiku seottekun da
deguchi mienai kanjou meiro ni
dare o matteru no
shiroi nooto ni tsuzutta you ni
motto sunao ni hakidashitai yo
nani kara
nogaretain da
genjitsu tte yatsu
kanaeru tame ni
ikiterun da tte
wasurechaisou na
yoru no mannaka
munan ni nante
yatterarenai kara
kaeru basho mo nai no
kono omoi o keshite shimau ni wa
mada jinsei nagai desho
natsukashiku naru
konna itami mo kangeijan
ayamaranakucha ikenai yo ne
ah gomen ne
umaku ienakute
shinpai kaketa mama datta ne
ano hi kakaeta zenbu
ashita kakaeru zenbu
junban tsuketari wa
shinai kara
wakatte kuremasu you ni
sotto me o tojitan da
mitakunai mono made
mien da mon
iranai uwasa ni chotto
hajimete kiku hatsugen docchi
ni kai attara tomodachi datte
uso wa yamete ne
akai haato ga iradatsu you ni
karada n naka moete irun da
honto wa
kitaishiten no
genjitsu tte yatsu
kanaeru tame ni
ikiterun da tte
sakebitaku naru yo
kikoete imasu ka
munan ni nante
yatterarenai kara
kaeru basho mo nai no
yasashisa ni wa itsumo kanshashiteru
dakara tsuyoku naritai
susumu tame ni
teki mo mikata mo kangeijan
dou yatte tsugi no doa
hirakerun dakke Kangaeteru
mou hikikaesenai
monogatari hajimatterun da
me o samase me o samase
kono omoi o keshite shimau ni wa
mada jinsei nagai desho
yarinokoshiteru koto
yarinaoshite mitai kara
mou ichido yukou
kanaeru tame ni
ikiterun da tte
sakebitaku naru yo
kikoete imasu ka
munan ni nante
yatterarenai kara
kaeru basho mo nai no
yasashisa ni wa itsumo kanshashiteru
dakara tsuyoku naritai
natsukashiku naru
konna itami mo kangeijan
Even though I must have been pursuing
The continuation of my dream
On a narrow, winding road
I trip over other people
It’s not that I want to return to
How it was like back then
I’m searching
For the sky that I’ve lost
I wish that you’ll understand me
Stop making that sad face
Like you’ve been sacrificed
There aren’t tears at the end of sins
I’ve painfully bore them all this time
In the labyrinth of emotions where I can’t see the exit
Who am I waiting for?
As if having written it in a white notebook
I want to divulge myself more honestly
Do I want to flee from?
…Something known as reality?
So that I can fulfill myself
I’m alive
When it seems like I’ve forgotten about it
In the middle of the night
Because it can’t be done
Safe and sound
…There’s no place for me to return to, either
Isn’t life still too long
For erasing these thoughts?
I even welcome such a pain
That turns nostalgic
I’ve got to apologize
ah, I’m sorry
Unable to express it well
You were worried, weren’t you?
Everything that I held back then
Everything that I’ll hold tomorrow
Because I won’t
Put them in order
I wish that you’ll understand me
I quietly closed my eyes
I can even see
The things that I don’t want to see
I get a little annoyed at unnecessary rumors
What was the initial remark like?
If we meet twice, aren’t we friends?
So stop lying
As if my red heart is irritated
It’s burning inside of my body
The truth is
I’m anticipating
…Something known as reality?
So that I can fulfill myself
I’m alive
I feel like shouting so
Can you hear me?
Because it can’t be done
Safe and sound
…There’s no place for me to return to, either
I’m always grateful for kindness
So I want to become strong
In order to move on
I welcome friend and foe alike
How can you open
The next door? Are you thinking about it?
I can’t pull back anymore
The story is starting
Wake up, wake up
Isn’t life still too long
For erasing these thoughts?
I have things left to do
Because I want to try redoing them
Let’s go again
So that I can fulfill myself
I’m alive
I feel like shouting so
Can you hear me?
Because it can’t be done
Safe and sound
…There’s no place for me to return to, either
I’m always grateful for kindness
So I want to become strong
I even welcome such a pain
That turns nostalgic
Sebenernya ni lagu dah keluar dari taun lalu, tapi karena baru aktif di blog sekarang-sekarang, jadi ya baru nge-review sekarang. Selain itu ada ceritanya kenapa tiba-tiba ngereview lagu ni.
Jadi begini, saya bareng ma temen-temen kan mau bikin band nih ceritanya. Salah satu dari temen saya tuh ada yang ngebet banget mainin lagu ini, padahal lagu ni LUMAYAN (sangat malah) menyiksa vocalist-nya (saya), karna ada bagian yang cepet. Hikz... Ternyata yang lain setuju juga, jadinya ya ngebawain lagu ni dah. Hikz.... Tapi tak apa, toh saya juga seneng ma lagu ni.
Lagu ni tuh jadi Opening 1st nya Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Anime yang lagi ditonton ma saya sekarang, kekekekekekekekekekeke), dan ni lagu indah banget, cocok ma suasana FMA yang suram-suram yang sering ga jelas (dibaca: gila). Saya seneng ma bagian awal dari lagu versi TV Size nya, pianonya enak didengar selaras ma gitarnya & bassnya. Liriknya juga nyentuh banget. Kekekekekekeke, TOP lah lagu ni!!!
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Source: Lyric: Gendou's Anime Music
Credit to Uploader
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