Monday, 19 July 2010

FictionJunction 2008 - 2010 The Best of Yuki Kajiura Live

Konbanwa minna-san,

Good night,

di malam yang sunyi nan dingin karena baru saja hujan ini saya mau posting album terbarunya Kajiura Yuki / FictionJunction. Sebenarnya album ini sudah release dari bulan Mei lalu, tapi berhubung saya lupa buat posting di blog ini, jadi baru di posting sekarang. :p

In this quiet and cold night, I want to post new album of Kajiura Yuki or FictionJunction. Actually this album released in May, but I forgot to post it, so i just post it now. :p

Album ini berisi lagu-lagu yang ada di Live nya FictionJunction, mulai dari Live #2 sampai Live #5.

This Album is contained by songs which was performed by FictionJunction in their Live, from Live #2 until Live #5.

Track List:

Disc 1

  1. The World
  2. Vanity
  3. Liminality
  4. In the land of twilight, under the moon
  5. forest
  6. Winter
  7. Salva nos
  8. Seiya
  9. Akatsuki no kuruma
  10. Nowhere
  11. Yakusoku
  12. Hanamori no Oka
  13. Parallel Hearts
  14. everlasting song

Disc 2

  1. cynical world
  2. the image theme of Xenosaga II
  3. Voyager
  4. Key of the twilight
  5. L.A.
  6. everytime you kissed me
  7. 『aquarian age ~medley』

  8. Darklore
  9. Awake
  10. Zodiacal sign
  11. 『Mai-HiME/ Mai-Otome ~medley』

  12. Himeboshi
  13. Mezame
  14. Materialize
  15. Sei Otome no Inori
  16. I reach for the sun
  17. open your heart
  18. a farewell song

Disk 1:

Disk 2:

Recomended Song:
Disc 1:
Hanamori no Oka, Nowhere, Vanity, Everlasting Song (Actually, I prefer Live 2 version =,=, this one is from Live 4)

Disc 2:
Cynical World, The Image Theme of Xenosaga II, MATERIALISE, I Reach for the Sun, A Farewell Song

Download: (Part 1) (Part 2)

Thanks to Kowz-san in cpm!!!


  1. Hey, I'm from Brazil and I was searching for so long to find Yuki's stuffs over the internet, then I found your blog ^^. You say something about Everlasting Song Live 2 version, but...where can I find it? If you have it, can you please upload it?

    Thank you much ^^

  2. Halo, maaf nih... Bisa tolong upload ulang g? Soalnya filenya g ada lagi katanya... >,<

  3. no se puede descargar la primera parte pero he buscado tanto este disco que estoy feliz solo con la segunda parte
